Well Girls,
It's Sunday evening, I'm at Fairbanks and it has been quite a day!
At 6:30 this morning, someone stole my diesel van from in front of my
shop (the old shop). I heard it start up and they , he or whoever...
drove away just as I was running out the door with my 9mm locked and
loaded. I saw the rear of the van go around the corner of the building.
If I'd been even 5 seconds faster, I'd have been able to drill a couple
of holes in my van just for the fun of it. Or maybe even give the thief
something to remember me by. Anyway, I called 911 on the pay phone up by
the sandwich shop since my cell phone was out of charge. The sheriff's
Office located the van a couple hours later and had it towed. I won't get
to see what was stolen out of it until tomorrow. I'll have to pay $175
for the tow which was only a couple miles but being the victim of a theft
is only the beginning of victimization, I've learned. The thief nails you
then the law cause some grief with tow fees and paperwork. Lastly,
insurance usually gouges you after the fact some how. That is before I
even begin to learn about all the things missing. That is always a long
slow process. Well, I love all 3 of you. Take care and when I get my phone
charged up and can be in contact with you each, I will. Happy Valentine's
Day! I was going to try to send something to each of you but now the funds
will have to go to get my van out of the storage compound. Aubrey, I'll
write you. And will hopefully chat with Rachel and HEidi on the phone soon.
I go to UC Davis on Wednesday at 2PM. Gma may go along. Love you.
Later, dAd
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Letter from Dad: February 2005
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