Dear Rachel,
My name is Jim Petersen and I had the opportunity to serve with your Dad in what was then the LDS Hawaii Mission from June 1973 to July 1, 1975. Your Dad started his mission a few months later and I think came with a large group of Elders about August and went out to what was then the LTM in Laie to learn the “new discussions”. Scott Clawson was in that group as was Fred Richards and myself, being seasoned missionaries and knowing about the real world. I was not a companion of your Father, but knew him, probably the best by the love and admiration that Jerry Probst had for him.
Jerry Probst and I served our entire missions together. We met in the mission home in Salt Lake and flew home together on July 1, 1976. I was one of the witnesses in the Salt Lake Temple when Jerry married Julie Evans in August 1976 and your Dad rode his motorcycle to the wedding. Jerry and I were companions for several months and he always spoke with upmost respect for your Father. It was through Jerry that I learned that your Dad was a convert to the Church and the struggle to make a decision to serve a mission. Of how difficult it was for him when a Priesthood Leader who he respected had a spirtual manifestation on the way to General Conference, left the Church and formed his own I think polygamous group. I know, at times, he didn’t receive much support from home and yet remember him bear his Testimony to the truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his love for his family.
I have not spoken with Jerry for several years, but would be glad to share with you and your family everything I know and remember of a time that I deeply cherish. I believe it was around at the fall conference of 2002 that Scott Clawson and I drove to a mission reunion at President Crandall’s home on 852 Legrande in Salt Lake. That evening we went into the basement and watched old slides (that was before videos and power points) and there was a wonderful spirit of a time when we were much younger and were able to spend all our efforts teaching and trying to live the Gospel. Your dad attended and it was the first time I had seen him in close to 20 years. At the end of the evening he said to me and a few others, “this was good for me and something I needed. It reminded of a good time in my life and what is true!” He shared his love for his children and the life he had, even with the challenges.
Last nite a fellow Hawaii missionary, Fred Richards shared your email dated November 5, 2009. I have thought about your Dad, of his love for his family and yours for him. I thought of the Prophet Joseph Smith being taught by the Prophet Moroni of the correct quote from Malachi of turning the hearts of the children to their fathers and know there is a reason you are seeking to know and understand about his life. I thought of the first Christmas after my Father passed away was December 2004 and I appreciated the love and support of your Father and our fellow missionaries. A week before Christmas we had a wonderful mission conference in Laie and all the missionaries from the outside Islands, except for Guam attended. If you see a picture of a large group of missionaries in front of the fountain at the Hawaii Temple, it was at taken early one morning at that conference. I remember it was rather cold (at least for Hawaii) and had just rained. Elder Jerry Probst was one of the Assistants to President Crandall and helped plan Mission Conference. I remember it was a great time and helped me through that first Christmas alone.
It is my hope and prayer that you can know of our love for your Father and the good man he is. It is all of our prayers that you may feel of the Love of both your Heavenly Father, and your Father who as busy using his talents to bless others as he was in this life. May our feelings for Rex McBride, and the good man he is be felt beyond our feeble attempts to describe a wonderful time we served in a wonderful place. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience and have a wonderful Christmas.
James D. Petersen
Saturday, January 30, 2010