Dad and I kinda had a little tradition going for a while for New Year's Eve. I'd always call Dad on holidays anyway. Lots of our conversations were 2 hours anyway. All the time, we'd chat about this and that. Thank goodness for unlimited nights & weekends.
Well, once about 10 years ago, I called Dad on New Year's Eve since I had the night off and knew that he probably didn't have any plans. We made it a "Daddy-Daughter Date" thereafter. I'd call him around 11pm my time (10pm CA time) and we'd chat for a while. We'd countdown the seconds to midnight and listen to all the hollering and partying going on right at the buzzer.
We'd continue to chat for almost another hour. Then we'd countdown again the Pacific Time Zone midnight. More hooting and hollering on Dad's end.
After a few hours of chatting and celebrating by poking fun at the crazies on the other end of the phone line, we'd finally have done enough gabbing to hang up. Phone-sore-ear usually followed.

This year, I kept thinking that I wouldn't be able to call him and celebrate TWO time zone's New Years with him. I called "Uncle Floyd" instead and chatted about what the girls were up to. It was good to hear his voice.
I hope all my memories never fade - but in time, they will. Thank goodness for this blog!