One of my favorite memories as a kid was when Dad would tuck us in to bed at night. He'd tell us one of many silly stories of his youth that would crack us all up. Then he'd turn out the lights and say goodnight.
Occasionally, just as I was drifting off to sleep, Dad would suddenly come back in my room, pull the covers off the bed, and put one of my feet in a choke hold. He would be giggling and taunting as I screamed for mercy. Dad would take a ball point pen and, holding my foot while I kicked and screamed and giggled, write my first, middle, and last name on the bottom of my foot. If I wiggled enough for him to not finish a letter, he'd have to do that letter over and over again until it looked right. Just more Daddy style torture.
And something that I'll have to try on my kids eventually also...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009