Hey Dad,
Today was YOUR granddaughters' first day of preschool.

Chloe on the left holding a leaf, Ady on the right

Ady on left, Chloe on right - Standing in line waiting to go into class
They were so excited, neither of them cried or anything. Ryan and I walked away not really knowing what to do with our time...
My long term plans are to refinish the bedroom furniture you gave me from Knoles Court. I remember that you got it second hand when you got married. I'm going to do a cream whitewash with dark brown glazing. I'll let you know how it turns out.
I've been canning alot. The neighbor gave me some green beans and I canned 9 pints. 40 quarts of apricots, 20 pints of apricot jam. The peaches were tougher, so I only got about 10 quarts of peaches canned besides the jam. Lots of soups, meats, etc. I sure do love the pressure canner. What a great $70 spent!
Hoping our chickens start to lay soon. And I'll be getting some fertilized eggs to incubate too. We only have 2 hens, with 2 roosters. I'd sure love your advice on butchering chickens. One of the roosters is headed for the cookpot (reminding me of "Peach" on Lonesome Dove), maybe both if I don't hate the processing part of the deal. I remember you "processing" chickens in the garage at Knoles Court. We were told to stay in the house! That's all I know. Bummer. That knowledge could come in quite handy about now.
Love you, Dad. MUH!