I went to my scheduled chemotherapy treatment today, Thursday the 22nd of July, 2004. A PET scan 2 weeks ago came back with less than desirable results. I called 3 days later to find out what the scan said.
I was told over the phone by a member of the office staff that the doctor was in with a patient and put me on hold. She came back a minute later and said the results were "stable".
I asked for a definition of stable and she paused. I knew I was chatting with a "20 something" office girl who is "out of her wheelhouse" regarding anything beyond the immediate workings around the reception desk. She just repeated that 'things are stable.' I thanked her and hung up ... nicely.
Three weeks ago I had been told by Dr. Mehdi there was a chance of switching me to a new form of drug treatment because more test results came back from the May 13th biopsy.
After consulting with colleagues at UC Davis he said he was certain that they were treating the wrong cancer with the current drugs I have been getting. The PET scan would determine whether those drugs had any effect.
Well, today just prior to my scheduled chemo treatment I was supposed to see Sandra, a physician's assistant (I think). She came in, asked a couple things then said the Doctor would be right in.
Dr. Mehdi came in with a somber face. I then realized Sandra wasn't smiling like she usually did. He started right in with the fact that he'd previously said the treatment could change. Now it was certain.
I got a bit of a shock when he said I would be admitted to St. Joseph's early Monday morning for a much more aggressive form of treatment. (More Aggressive?!?) It will require 5 days of hospitalization. Then 3 weeks of recuperation and 3 to 5 more days of a stay in the hospital. This routine will repeat for 3 complete cycles.
I asked about putting it off a week because I had Scouts going to Scout Camp this next week.
He said, "No."
I don't know what things will really need to change as far as getting ready for Camp. My van and camping equipment is still available. I will just load the lanterns etc. in the van and it will be ready.
Frank is handling most of the day to day details anyway. Bro. Gary Taylor is going to be the other adult leader until Thursday night or Friday AM. Bro. Wandvik is supposed to be there Friday. I am just not sure of the Two-Deep Leadership being covered towards the end of the week.
One other detail on my van... and a warning. It has been Floyderized. This is a word I made up years ago. Floyd had me buy hundreds of $$ worth of parts to fix the A/C. It worked great for a several days. Some of those very parts flew off as I was traveling on Hwy 99 about 1,200 miles after he put them on. The A/C no longer works. I'm told he will get around to it...
Oh, and another thing. The gas gauge no longer works. Again, Floyderization. Floyd borrowed my van and cut a wire while trying to hook up lights to a trailer. Somehow the gas gauge is now always at "E". A 'fill up' will get you about 280 to 300 miles. Use the trip meter of the odometer to be safe. Rick Fairbanks, Allyssa Fairbanks and I, all have stories about not setting the trip meter. The stories always include ...being beside the road ...somewhere ...with a red plastic gas jug ... or ....wishing for a red plastic gas jug. Once again, Floyd has promised numerous times that he will attend to this very small detail when he has time.
This not a 'shot' at Floyd's mechanical skills. If I ever need work done on my huge diesel school bus or my huge diesel fire truck, he's "the man".
Unfortunately, I don't own these types of vehicles. It's the ordinary, everyday vehicles that sometimes seem to need 2 or 3 'tries' before it's exactly right. That is the pure definition of "Floyderization".
Sorry if this puts anyone in a spot. It's out of my hands. Much like the last 25 years of my life.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009